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Pdf Spanish Conversation For Beginners

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Pdf Spanish Conversation For Beginners

Generally speaking, basic conversations in Spanish usually include greetings or 'saludos', introductions and some vocabulary like numbers, countries and more. All these topics have been covered in previous lessons and we will see them in use in this lesson. You will see some of these common Spanish phrases in simple sentences and short conversations. Let's start…

Introductory video: Basic Spanish phrases and questions for beginners

  • Page 1 Spanish Language and Culture for Low Beginners II Syllabus Spring 2019 Description This Spanish as a Second Language course represents a continuation of SPAN 121 with a focus on the fundamental elements of the Spanish language within a cultural context. Emphasis is on the progressive development of listening, speaking, reading.
  • Instant Spanish Vocabulary Category 24 TY-DAD The rule to create Spanish from English Many English words that end with TY can be made into Spanish by changing TY to DAD. This is a wonderful category, it is very easy to use and full of useful and versatile words. Here are some dad words that aren't immediately obvious Spanish English.
  • Spanish can be called the second international language, for it is widely spoken. Even in the southern United States many people speak Spanish, and most countries in South- and Central America use Spanish, such as Mexico, Chile and Argentina. And of course, it is also spoken in Spain, where it originated. It's not very hard to learn Spanish.

First, let's watch a short video showing some common Spanish phrases and questions that we will be using throughout the rest of the lesson such as ¿DÓNDE VIVES? (Where do you live?) and ¿DE DÓNDE ERES? (Where are you from?). This is a summary of the vocabulary we consider important to hold basic Spanish conversations. Do not worry if you cannot remember them all as we will see them again later. Also, remember to activate the subtitles (cc) if you need them.

Audio Examples: A list of Basic Spanish expressions and questions

The Spanish Language. Throughout education, methods of teaching Spanish have changed greatly. Years ago, the Spanish Language was taught simply by memory. Today, however, the Spanish Language is taught by moving slower and covering grammar and spelling rules. Again, this is an introduction. If this is the first time you are attempting to learn.

There are lots of phrases and questions in the language, but some are way more common than others and those are the ones we will learn next. Some of these Spanish phrases can be used to welcome others like 'Bienvenido', whereas others can be used to ask for favors like 'Por favor' or thank people like 'Gracias'. In real life interactions, you can modify the expressions and questions in the list by replacing the subject pronoun to make them more formal or informal when needed .

Listen to the phrases and questions in the list and pay attention to their pronunciation and structure as we will be using them later in basic conversations in Spanish.

Some examples of basic conversations in Spanish

There are many other expressions to learn, but the ones above are among the most common Spanish phrases and questions beginners should know. You will realize that when you meet someone for the first time, people will often use these expressions as conversation starters. That being said, let's move on to the application part of this topic by reading and listening to some basic conversations in Spanish using the vocabulary we have covered, plus a few interesting things you will have to figure out yourself. We have included the original Spanish conversation script with English translation so you can follow the audio more easily.

Conversation No. 1

  • Alí: ¡Buenos días! Vengo a la entrevista de trabajo…
  • Heidi: Si claro, siéntese por favor
  • Alí: Gracias
  • Heidi: Bien ¿Cúal es su nombre?
  • Alí: Me llamo Alí Mendez
  • Heidi: ¿Dónde vive usted?
  • Alí: Vivo en la ciudad de San Diego
  • Heidi: ¿A qué se dedica?
  • Alí: Soy doctor. Trabajo medio tiempo en una clínica
  • Heidi: Bien, deme una copia de su hoja de vida y la revisaremos. Gracias por venir.
  • Alí: Gracias a usted.
Read English translation
Ali: Good morning! I come for the job interview …
Heidi: Yes of course, please sit down
Ali: Thanks
Heidi: Well, what is your name?
Ali: My name is Ali Mendez
Heidi: Where do you live?
Ali: I live in the city of San Diego
Heidi: What do you do?
Ali: I'm a doctor. I am working part-time in a clinic
Heidi: Okay, please give me a copy of your resume and we will review it. Thanks for coming.
Ali: Thank you.

Conversation No. 2

  • Alí: ¡Hola Heidi! Entra por favor. Bienvenida a mi nueva casa
  • Heidi: ¡Gracias Alí! ¿Cómo estás?
  • Alí: Muy bien, gracias. Es una sorpresa verte. ¿Dónde vives ahora?
  • Heidi: Vivo en Los Ángeles.
  • Alí: Entiendo, pero ¿dónde naciste?
  • Heidi: Nací en Miami, pero me mudé a Los Ángeles hace 3 años…
Read English translation
Ali: Hi Heidi! Please come in. Welcome to my new home
Heidi: Thank you Ali! How are you?
Ali: Very well, thank you. I am surprised to see you. Where do you live now?
Heidi: I live in Los Angeles.
Ali: I see. By the way, where were you born?
Heidi: I was born in Miami, but I moved to Los Angeles three years ago …

Conversation No. 3

Free spanish learning books pdf
  • Alí: ¡Hola! Es una fila larga ¿verdad?
  • Heidi: Si, ya estoy cansada… ¿Cómo te llamas?
  • Alí: Soy Alí. Mucho gusto.
  • Heidi: Mi nombre es Heidi. ¿De dónde eres?
  • Alí: Soy de México, pero vivo aquí en los Estados Unidos
  • Heidi: Entiendo. Yo soy de Honduras. ¿Eres casado o soltero?
  • Alí: Estoy casado. Tengo dos hijos: un niño y una niña. ¿y tú?
  • Heidi: Yo soy soltera
Read English translation
Ali: Hi! It is a long line, right?
Heidi: Yeah, I'm tired … What's your name?
Ali: I'm Ali. Nice to meet you.
Heidi: My name is Heidi. Where are you from?
Ali: I'm from Mexico, but I live here in the United States
Heidi: I see. I'm from Honduras. Are you married or single?
Ali: I'm married. I have two children, a boy and a girl. And you?
Heidi: I'm single

Conversation No. 4

  • Alí: ¡Hoy es mi cumpleaños!
  • Heidi: Felicidades. ¿Cuántos años tienes ya?
  • Alí: Tengo 25 años… Voy a celebrar mi cumpleaños con pastel y un partido de futbol ¿Te gusta el futbol?
  • Heidi: Si claro, me gusta mucho ver el mundial
  • Alí: uhmm.. una pregunta ¿Cuál es tu color favorito?
  • Heidi: Mi color favorito es el rojo…
  • Alí: Bien, entonces usaré una camisa roja hoy
Read English translation
Ali: Today is my birthday!
Heidi: Congratulations. How old are you now?
Ali: I'm 25 years old … I will celebrate my birthday with cake and a football game. Do you like football?
Heidi: Yes of course, I like to see the world cup
Ali: uhmm .. I have a question What is your favorite color?
Heidi: My favorite color is red …
Ali: Well, then I'll wear a red shirt today

This is the end of the lesson. Hopefully you will remember the Spanish phrases we introduced and got an idea of how they can be used in basic conversations thanks to the examples. Come back and check their pronunciation any time you need it. More importantly, find someone to practice with if possible. Make sure to continue learning more expressions and questions to expand your vocabulary so that you can have and understand other scenarios. ¡Hasta pronto!

Related Spanish Worksheets:

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Looking for Spanish PDF Lessons?

Here you will find a growing collection of free lessons on vocabulary words, grammar, adjectives, and more. Just click on the links to download the PDFs for free or right click & save as to save to your computer.

  • PDFs are awesome because they're eBooks.
  • Save them to your phone/device and read.
  • Download by clicking on the image or blue text.

1) How to Learn Spanish: A Guide for Beginners ONLY. What is this? It's a beginner's guide on how to learn Spanish. You won't learn the words and phrases here. But, you will learn 'HOW TO LEARN' Spanish. The rules and ways to approach learning languages so you don't fail.

Spanish dialogues for beginners pdfs

Generally speaking, basic conversations in Spanish usually include greetings or 'saludos', introductions and some vocabulary like numbers, countries and more. All these topics have been covered in previous lessons and we will see them in use in this lesson. You will see some of these common Spanish phrases in simple sentences and short conversations. Let's start…

Introductory video: Basic Spanish phrases and questions for beginners

  • Page 1 Spanish Language and Culture for Low Beginners II Syllabus Spring 2019 Description This Spanish as a Second Language course represents a continuation of SPAN 121 with a focus on the fundamental elements of the Spanish language within a cultural context. Emphasis is on the progressive development of listening, speaking, reading.
  • Instant Spanish Vocabulary Category 24 TY-DAD The rule to create Spanish from English Many English words that end with TY can be made into Spanish by changing TY to DAD. This is a wonderful category, it is very easy to use and full of useful and versatile words. Here are some dad words that aren't immediately obvious Spanish English.
  • Spanish can be called the second international language, for it is widely spoken. Even in the southern United States many people speak Spanish, and most countries in South- and Central America use Spanish, such as Mexico, Chile and Argentina. And of course, it is also spoken in Spain, where it originated. It's not very hard to learn Spanish.

First, let's watch a short video showing some common Spanish phrases and questions that we will be using throughout the rest of the lesson such as ¿DÓNDE VIVES? (Where do you live?) and ¿DE DÓNDE ERES? (Where are you from?). This is a summary of the vocabulary we consider important to hold basic Spanish conversations. Do not worry if you cannot remember them all as we will see them again later. Also, remember to activate the subtitles (cc) if you need them.

Audio Examples: A list of Basic Spanish expressions and questions

The Spanish Language. Throughout education, methods of teaching Spanish have changed greatly. Years ago, the Spanish Language was taught simply by memory. Today, however, the Spanish Language is taught by moving slower and covering grammar and spelling rules. Again, this is an introduction. If this is the first time you are attempting to learn.

There are lots of phrases and questions in the language, but some are way more common than others and those are the ones we will learn next. Some of these Spanish phrases can be used to welcome others like 'Bienvenido', whereas others can be used to ask for favors like 'Por favor' or thank people like 'Gracias'. In real life interactions, you can modify the expressions and questions in the list by replacing the subject pronoun to make them more formal or informal when needed .

Listen to the phrases and questions in the list and pay attention to their pronunciation and structure as we will be using them later in basic conversations in Spanish.

Some examples of basic conversations in Spanish

There are many other expressions to learn, but the ones above are among the most common Spanish phrases and questions beginners should know. You will realize that when you meet someone for the first time, people will often use these expressions as conversation starters. That being said, let's move on to the application part of this topic by reading and listening to some basic conversations in Spanish using the vocabulary we have covered, plus a few interesting things you will have to figure out yourself. We have included the original Spanish conversation script with English translation so you can follow the audio more easily.

Conversation No. 1

  • Alí: ¡Buenos días! Vengo a la entrevista de trabajo…
  • Heidi: Si claro, siéntese por favor
  • Alí: Gracias
  • Heidi: Bien ¿Cúal es su nombre?
  • Alí: Me llamo Alí Mendez
  • Heidi: ¿Dónde vive usted?
  • Alí: Vivo en la ciudad de San Diego
  • Heidi: ¿A qué se dedica?
  • Alí: Soy doctor. Trabajo medio tiempo en una clínica
  • Heidi: Bien, deme una copia de su hoja de vida y la revisaremos. Gracias por venir.
  • Alí: Gracias a usted.
Read English translation
Ali: Good morning! I come for the job interview …
Heidi: Yes of course, please sit down
Ali: Thanks
Heidi: Well, what is your name?
Ali: My name is Ali Mendez
Heidi: Where do you live?
Ali: I live in the city of San Diego
Heidi: What do you do?
Ali: I'm a doctor. I am working part-time in a clinic
Heidi: Okay, please give me a copy of your resume and we will review it. Thanks for coming.
Ali: Thank you.

Conversation No. 2

  • Alí: ¡Hola Heidi! Entra por favor. Bienvenida a mi nueva casa
  • Heidi: ¡Gracias Alí! ¿Cómo estás?
  • Alí: Muy bien, gracias. Es una sorpresa verte. ¿Dónde vives ahora?
  • Heidi: Vivo en Los Ángeles.
  • Alí: Entiendo, pero ¿dónde naciste?
  • Heidi: Nací en Miami, pero me mudé a Los Ángeles hace 3 años…
Read English translation
Ali: Hi Heidi! Please come in. Welcome to my new home
Heidi: Thank you Ali! How are you?
Ali: Very well, thank you. I am surprised to see you. Where do you live now?
Heidi: I live in Los Angeles.
Ali: I see. By the way, where were you born?
Heidi: I was born in Miami, but I moved to Los Angeles three years ago …

Conversation No. 3

  • Alí: ¡Hola! Es una fila larga ¿verdad?
  • Heidi: Si, ya estoy cansada… ¿Cómo te llamas?
  • Alí: Soy Alí. Mucho gusto.
  • Heidi: Mi nombre es Heidi. ¿De dónde eres?
  • Alí: Soy de México, pero vivo aquí en los Estados Unidos
  • Heidi: Entiendo. Yo soy de Honduras. ¿Eres casado o soltero?
  • Alí: Estoy casado. Tengo dos hijos: un niño y una niña. ¿y tú?
  • Heidi: Yo soy soltera
Read English translation
Ali: Hi! It is a long line, right?
Heidi: Yeah, I'm tired … What's your name?
Ali: I'm Ali. Nice to meet you.
Heidi: My name is Heidi. Where are you from?
Ali: I'm from Mexico, but I live here in the United States
Heidi: I see. I'm from Honduras. Are you married or single?
Ali: I'm married. I have two children, a boy and a girl. And you?
Heidi: I'm single

Conversation No. 4

  • Alí: ¡Hoy es mi cumpleaños!
  • Heidi: Felicidades. ¿Cuántos años tienes ya?
  • Alí: Tengo 25 años… Voy a celebrar mi cumpleaños con pastel y un partido de futbol ¿Te gusta el futbol?
  • Heidi: Si claro, me gusta mucho ver el mundial
  • Alí: uhmm.. una pregunta ¿Cuál es tu color favorito?
  • Heidi: Mi color favorito es el rojo…
  • Alí: Bien, entonces usaré una camisa roja hoy
Read English translation
Ali: Today is my birthday!
Heidi: Congratulations. How old are you now?
Ali: I'm 25 years old … I will celebrate my birthday with cake and a football game. Do you like football?
Heidi: Yes of course, I like to see the world cup
Ali: uhmm .. I have a question What is your favorite color?
Heidi: My favorite color is red …
Ali: Well, then I'll wear a red shirt today

This is the end of the lesson. Hopefully you will remember the Spanish phrases we introduced and got an idea of how they can be used in basic conversations thanks to the examples. Come back and check their pronunciation any time you need it. More importantly, find someone to practice with if possible. Make sure to continue learning more expressions and questions to expand your vocabulary so that you can have and understand other scenarios. ¡Hasta pronto!

Related Spanish Worksheets:

Hi there!

Looking for Spanish PDF Lessons?

Here you will find a growing collection of free lessons on vocabulary words, grammar, adjectives, and more. Just click on the links to download the PDFs for free or right click & save as to save to your computer.

  • PDFs are awesome because they're eBooks.
  • Save them to your phone/device and read.
  • Download by clicking on the image or blue text.

1) How to Learn Spanish: A Guide for Beginners ONLY. What is this? It's a beginner's guide on how to learn Spanish. You won't learn the words and phrases here. But, you will learn 'HOW TO LEARN' Spanish. The rules and ways to approach learning languages so you don't fail.

Read this before you get a Spanish textbook or a learning program.

2. Spanish PDF Lesson Cheat Sheets. Here, you're getting a big collection of Spanish PDF Lessons and cheat sheets. About 1 to 2 pages long. The topics cover all sorts of things – food, family, common phrases, love and much more. Check it out.

Pdf Spanish Conversation For Beginners

3. Common Spanish Phrases & Questions. Want to learn the most common conversational phrases and questions? Here, you get 59+. More than enough to get any beginner started with the Spanish language.

4. Spanish Love Phrases.These are great to know. If you want to use the language to flirt… or if you're a genuinely passionate person, you'll enjoy these phrases.

I'll be posting more Spanish PDF lessons soon!

In the meantime, download and share these!

Pdf Spanish Conversation For Beginners Esl

The first one, 'How to Learn Spanish,' is one of my most favorite Spanish PDF lessons.

Like these? Want to see something else? Or need something explained? Leave a comment below! I read them all and will be adding more and more with time.

Other learning resources:

  • Spanish Learning Program (if you want to finally learn the language already)

Free Spanish Learning Books Pdf

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Spanish Short Story Pdf

– The Main Junkie

Pdf Spanish Conversation For Beginners Learning

P.S. I highly recommend this for Spanish learners. If you REALLY want to learn to Spanish with effective lessons by real teachers – Sign up for free at SpanishPod101 (click here) and start learning!

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